
Rope Bridge

I should reinvent myself
I don't know why though
Because when I keep trying to upgrade
I just fail another inspection
I make sure that my friends find what they need first
If we're all crossing the rope bridge to success, I'll risk being last for them
Because I know if that bridge breaks before I get to that place
I will find a new way across eventually
It may seem like I'm passive in nature
But perhaps I'm very active in my future
Every time I get bogged down or stressed out
I want to yank all the stops and skyrocket to another dimension
I want to secure my place in history: a hard goal
Especially when your worth constantly decreases after each improvement like technology
I'm growing older, but I'm still younger than those older than me
I'm growing stronger, but there is always someone who can do more
I'm so positive, that people see that as a negative
What is it about me that leaves a bad taste in their mouth?
I thought living above average and excelling was the dream
Seems I'd be better off in second class
Why am I so fascinated with change?
As a kid I'd always look around to see who was taller than me
Knowing one day hopefully I'd be taller than them
A while back, I wanted to mature and be treated with respect
Because all I knew were towering authorities ascending miles above
Now, as I enter my adult years I loiter in an existential loft
Time is of the essence and there is so much left to be done
Not for them, but for me
I get that mental reward when I take a step further
And they say, he's so motivated and dedicated
But, why are those comments most prevalent when I fail?

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