
Rivers Don't Bleed They Run

Rivers don't bleed they run
My Grandfather's son your circumstances I treasured
Steadfast inspiration with accolades, aspiring to be the next
Surviving past pleasantries hopefully outperform recent trials
Time together undeniable, a male figure to help mold
Severing the flock a by-product of an irresponsible agenda
This communication holds no tirade yet a proposal to revive
Reverse these altercations, redeem the role model I request
In sickness and death lie the cowardly gestures you possessed
Learning that many float on, but family a sheltered rock
The lessons being taught teach me to heartlessly sell stock
When it doesn't perform well...
I know well, peaks and throughs involve
Any long term bond I've ever held
Any real relationship I've ever known
Wishing I could say I salute you in this blinded path
But my trek to Fatherhood intoxicates me with the truth
When struggle infiltrates love, a need to bleed profusely
Conquer discomfort with character, persevere with passion
Outlast temporary with timeless will, preserve with soul
Don't allow the ebbs and flows to mark the sand with sediments
A leader stands tall when the health of a tribe appears short
I promise I will take these broken footsteps with a grain
And toss them in the silo with all nefarious examples
My embankment of faith must not erode with the current
I will bleed for my blood, for you can't guarantee the same
Because rivers don't bleed
They run

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